Friday, 25 June 2010

James Cooke- The Life Story Part 1

Not So Long Ago But In A Galaxy Far Far Away. ...............................................................................
................................James Cooke IS BORN !!!!!!!!!

On a small moon called Endor a ceremony 5000 years old is about to be performed, by the local teddy bear tribe known as the Ewoks. The tallest male and female within the tribe will mate and then wait 9 months.

9 months later a baby Ewok is born, instantly it is shaved and covered in a special cream (usually found in Boots) to stop to much of the hair ever growing back again . With the new child looking vaguely human it is sent across the galaxy to find a new home. This particular infant found its way to earth just over 21 years ago. At this very moment mummy Cooke was giving birth to her first baby boy. As soon as the child was born it was magically replaced by the Ewok infant, and the James Cooke that could have been was taken back to Endor to be raised as a God.

The Ewok child would never know of his true heritage and his new adopted family would never know he was not there son. He was to be raised as one of them and he would take on the title of James Cooke. The beginning of his story is most amazing but it is insignificant compared to the rest of his life and the adventures he would encounter.

James was implanted with a thirst for learning self defence and skills that would be useful if his new world in case the planet was hostel but luckily being part Ewok and looking cute was the best defence he would ever need. As James grew he considered mastering many styles of combat but it wasn't until he first laid eyes on the profesional world of wrestling that he knew what he wanted to train in. It's not sure what attracted James to this combat style it might have been the skin tight Lycra costumes or the heavily gay undertones but either way he was hooked.

Night and day the young Ewok boy practised, usually fighting as many as 7 pillows at a time but his skills kept growing until it was time to find a costume and a name that best suited him. Having always felt different and a little more wild in nature then those around him there was only one wrestling name he could have chosen 'The Cookie Monster' he would dress all in blue and put blue fur over hi face to disguise his true identity. This new look lasted only a matter of days until sadly a group of very well paid lawyers representing Sesame Street called for James to stop this at once. Although James had the disguise he only stopped crime on his street and all his neighbours would watch him walk home after his heroic events. James had learnt a valuable lesson that day, but his longing to do good for people did not die it simply intensified and James knew what he had to do, he had to get a job in retail.

In part two we find out about James work in retail, his relationship with Stacey and his new ambition to teach.

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