Sunday, 4 July 2010

Patriotism a true indication of stupidity

I lost my train of thought or maybe i just lost interest. My original plan was to write a bit about my views on patriotism as the title suggest, so I started doing research. I wanted to find interesting quotes and facts to back up my views but I had some issues finding anything negative to say so I gave up. I'll give you my basic view on the subject, patriotism is for fucking retards.

My real issue is you have nothing to be proud of, none of you. I don't care which country your from. Your countries achievements are pointless. On top of that the way you cling on to past achievement's is pathetic. Yes we won world war 2. But how long will you claim that achievement to be yours? I suppose my real issues is the longer we hang on to our out dated view on patriotism the harder it will be to move forward as a planet.

With all the planets resources and ingenuity we should have achieved more. We should be exploring our solar system and setting up colonies and be preparing to go further. Maybe these views have been brought on by my recent Star Trek movie marathon and with that in mind its lucky I didn't have a Saw movie marathon or this blog would be very different. Some people are worried that by giving up on patriotism we will lose some of are culture and that's a fine argument if you Asian and you heritage is rich. What would England lose our famous Morris dancers?

I know there is more to England then that, but not a lot more. We are a country of white immigrants just like America. Are language is made up mostly but words that originated in other countries slightly changed over the years. There is nobody in this land pure British we all have some Roman, French or Viking in us so what are you hanging on to?

Are real issue with immigration seems to be the fear of losing something, but if everything was free to everyone would you care if someone else had it as well? If you could choose where to live on this planet, and everyone spoke a common language, we all had the same rights and everyone was wealthy enough to be happy with there lives are you saying you would honestly stay in the U.K. ? Yeah you would miss your family but who knows, if we all chipped in maybe we could invent warp speed or instant transporters then we would be out of excuses.

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