Wednesday, 14 July 2010

I dont think Mario would make a good dad.

I'm not talking about the terrible singer, I am of course referring to the adventurer extraordinaire Mario. I'm not saying he wouldn't make a cool dad I just don't think he would be a good dad. Think about it for the most part he would always be of doing stuff. Saving Princess peach and beating up weird turtle people. I have to work on the assumption that Princess Peach is not your mum as I get the impression that she does not view Mario as anything more then a friend. Maybe he left it to long to ask her out or maybe despite the fact that he saves her on a yearly basis she still thinks she can do better. So Mario settles for your mum and that's OK your mums great, she is no princess Peach but you love her anyway everything is going swell until Mario's private phone rings and the princess has been kidnapped again. He drops everything and runs of to help. Its not even the case that what he is doing is safe, I mean he really puts his life on the line. In my opinion he is a bit selfish.

I realized after writing that last section that if you changed Mario for soldier you get a whole different, much more politically charged comment on life. That was not my point when I started this, it honestly started as comical point. I suppose you could change Princess Peach to either armed forces or country and weird turtle creature to what ever people we are fighting this day. I suppose that both with Mario and the Army somethings just need to be done.Sometimes for the good of a mushroom kingdom sometimes for the good of a lying politician.

One last thing before I go .After watching a small part of Jeremy Kyle today I have to ask why are some of the people that contact the show asking for help so brave? There was a woman on the show today starving herself to death. She called Jeremy Kyle to be told she would die if she didn't get this under control. The audience clapped, nobody slapped her. I'm sorry but if you are killing yourself don't ask what would Jeremy suggest, go and see a fucking doctor.

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