Monday, 26 July 2010

HEY I am a good listener, so shut your mouth!

For fuck sake, its finally happened. I have become full geek, before I was 78% but now its become the full 100%. I didn't plan for it to happen all I wanted was a new phone and i've found one. The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini which is great except I brought it on contract from phones 4 u and they decided in all their wisdom to give me a Wii. So before when I owned a PS3, an Xbox 360 and a high end PC luckily I was only 78% geek now I own the set and have to give up on ever having a sex life again. I suppose though its a price worth paying for quality entertainment.

So I have a new job, its at Staples and its pretty cool. For the most part the staff are all right apart from mostly seeming a little racist. Only a little racist and to be honest not much more racist then most of people I know. Don't worry I don't blame you I blame your up bringing. So work is all good but I hang on to that feeling like I've had with all work colleagues past and present and that is they don't like me. For the most part its justified I am mean, usually tired , cranky a bit smelly and my humour is not for everyone. So justified. But the real shame is they are my best features.

So what else? I have seen a few good films recently firstly Predators. I liked it, then again I liked the original. I really liked the bit in the movie when that guy died and blood went everywhere then they all had to run away. If that sounds like your kind of film go see it now. I've also seen Inception. It was a pretty cool film, filled to the brim with original ideas and some great acting. Plus it will stay with and not just the amazing ending that will stay with you for a long time and will happily divide the audience for years. Finally I've seen Toy Story 3, lets be honest you know where you stand with pixar its always going to be well made and Toy Story 3 was no different. So that's what I've been up, what have you been up to?

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