Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Well every one else jumped of the cliff so i decided to aswell

I am of course referring to writing a blog. Everyone else seems to have recently so its probably time I wrote one. The sad truth is everyone else have written great blogs and I pity you for having to read through this one. Mostly I'm a little tired work is great but on some days it can really drain me and today started off with me getting soaked then working my 8 hours. So apart from work what have i been doing.

I have helped push back an alien invasion in a game on my new P.C. in fairness I was playing on easy and cant take to much credit. I'm still helping Mario rescue the princess in super Mario galaxy and I've done nothing else of note. Wow that's a depressing realization. The most exciting things I've done have been achieved through video game. But then again I have more say over a video game then I do over the ending of a book.

So I've achieved nothing except for losing some weight, and I mean a little weight. Just enough weight to be fucking irritating. I'm sure most people can relate to losing that tiny amount that makes your trousers not fit properly. I find myself constantly having to pull them up. As its such a small amount of loss I cant justify buying more clothes as knowing me I'll soon put it back on. I should probably put a new hole in my belt but I love my batman belt so much I don't know if I can justify it. I'll see what happens when I finally have some money in my bank.

I don't know if I mentioned my new phone, i think I did so I wont go on about it I will say that I have finally been able to put my Flight of the Conchords CD on to it and I'm loving it, If you have never heard of them they class themselves as the 4th best folk parody band from New Zealand. I'll happilyu brighten up your days by putting a link to YouTube video for you all to enjoy. For some cunting reason it wont let me put in the link so I'll put the link on my facebook page and tell you how to find it. Go to YouTube search for Flight of the Conchords - Hiphopopotamus Vs. Rhymenoceros then laugh your ass off. Again sorry this is so dull I'll write something of actual value next time.

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