Saturday, 19 June 2010

No its not time to get a 3D T.V.

One ad, one T.V. ad shown in 3D telling you to get a 3D T.V. So that you can enjoy said ad in 3D. If there are any idiots out there buying there 3D telly as they read this, stop and think. Your about to buy a 3D telly on the understanding that you cab see one ad properly. I mean if you have been watching 3D movies in the cinema recently you have probably come to the same conclusion I have. 90% of these 3D films are shit. I've said it before and I'll say it again the only decent £d film I've seen has been Avatar and I'm not getting a 3D T.V. for one film. So please do the right thing and wait. Wait for about 4 years.

While I'm being pissed off with advertising I should really have a go at a few others. Like the McDonald's ad's going around the ones with the shitty poetry. Poetry should be an expression of self it should not be used for selling Big Macs. Every time that man who wrote that gets his pay a part of his soul must die, all his other work should feel cheap and rushed. Fuck it any poetry used for selling anything should be banned.

An ad I don't hate but just don't understand is for a lady's shaver the Gillette Venus one. I'm not sure that shaving your legs should make you life more worth while. I mean are all girls stuck at home not going out because they haven't shaved there legs? If this is you, if you cant live your life if you have slight stubble on your legs I would be very very worried. Also some of those ads seams to be, well sexy. I mean they are girls running about in bathing suits and playing around. I understand that sex sales but who is the sex in these ads aimed at? Is it the guy in the girls life and they hope he buys it for them. Is it the woman this product is based at ? The same woman who probably doesn't look a thing like the girl in the ad, and if that's the case any shaver will do. Or maybe its based at lesbian woman? The kind of woman who will be thinking of the hot woman in the ad, of course ironically in my experience the lesbian type are the least likely to use the product anyway, i mean who needs to show of your legs if all you do is wear jeans?

Another issues I have is ads making light of all these woman issues. I mean these woman that seem to be having serious stomach issues. Every other ad shows woman that have either diarrhea or having trouble pooing. Is this an actual issue that you don't want to share with men. I mean are these ads aimed at woman on the go for a reason, have you tried eating more fiber? I know its disgusting bringing this up but these ads do leave me confused.

In general I hate all ads and I cant risk talking about those go compare ads as i would run out of swear words and the only way to do justice to the way I feel about it would be to slowly rip out my own stomach and to then strangle myself with my entrails. But there are at least two ads I like and I will happily post links to them.
This ad is just comical gold
And ths ad does is also brilliant

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