Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Twins - One is always Evil

I've had a good week. I know its rare for me to start of a blog this way but it has been fun. I've been a super cool spy during most of my days, playing a game called Splinter Cell: Conviction. I came a way very impressed with my self after completing it on it hardest setting, can you say that? well can you? I didn't think so. I've been out clothes shopping with gayest straight guy I know. I swear he went out looking for some shoes that would work with one of his belts, just one of his belts. I would have teased him about it at the time but he talked me in to buying some trainers that went well with shirt I own, so I don't know what that says about me.

So clothing brought time to catch up with another friend of mine, a female. She writes a blog on here as well if you fancy a read it can be found at http://fuckingfruitcake.blogspot.com/ . She is an interesting woman with crazy ideas about how meat is murder and being a vegan is the way forward. Also she is a feminist and I just think that's adorable. Joking aside though it was a beautiful sunny day we spent sitting in Tunbridge Wells chatting. We eventually got lunch from the fancy and over priced Cornish pasty place. Where we bumped in to an old friend we both worked with, all in all another great day.

Not a lot happened for a few days then i got what has become the best phone call of the year so far. My friend Neil inviting me to my first BBQ of the year. I knew it was going to be a good night from the beginning as instantly I was greeted with a margarita from Neils lodger/girlfriend Vicky. It was only a small gathering but that didn't take anything away from the evening as far as I was concerned. Just the four of us Neil, Vicky, Gillian ( Vicky's identical twin sister ) and myself. Now it didn't ruin the BBQ but it didn't help that Neil is a professional chef. I am not use to professional chefs cooking BBQ for me. I'm use to cooking the food till it is burnt, I am not use to being asked how I want my burger cooked. Still food was amazing and the booze kept flowing. We played silly drinking games that left me making a fool out of myself, but on the plus side I didn't have to stand on a chair every five minuets to sing Britney Spears songs unlike Neil.

The night wasn't all magical as bed time rolled around and there wasn't enough beds to go round. Being a gentleman I didn't stop Gill from taking the only bed and I settled in for a night on the couch, the leather couch. It was a pretty hot and clammy night and my body type mixed with the leather was not a good mix. I managed a good two hours of sleep but I wasn't to bitter, well not until every one else woke up and happily told me how wonderfully they had slept, but I wouldn't have changed anything. Cheers guys xoxoxoxo .

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