Saturday, 5 June 2010

On the 8th day God created a parody of his work and it went straight to DVD

Stupid Stagevu. Its been about a month now and still not fixed. For those of you not in the know Stagevu is a film viewing website and for the most part is the site I use to watch movies and T.V. shows. For some unknown reason they have not been able to have any new uploads for about a month which is why I've been forced to use some less respectable film viewing web sites. The kind of site that suggest you try adult friend finder every ten seconds. But that's not really my issue, that's just an inconvenience. My issue today is parody's.

You can probably think of a good few like Austin Powers or family guys take on star wars. But for every acceptable parody there are a thousand films so bad they don't justify there existence, or even the existence of the person that pitched it. Take the Scary Movie franchise, I should start by letting you know I don't hate them, well except the second one anyway. For the most part they are funny, there I said it. As an example when they made the fourth film there tag line was ' The fourth film in the trilogy' its stupid but it made me giggle. Scary movie is what happened just before parody got out of control.

Now we have utter shit like Date movie, Epic movie, Meet the Spartans and now the worst film ever made which I will never see The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It. I did not make up that last one, honestly it exists. How lacking in any originality do you have to be to base your entire movie around the works of other film makers. In all honesty it makes me a little angry as even making a cheap film is expensive. There is a good chance that any film you have ever seen cost more to make then you will ever make in your life, even if it went straight to DVD or it was made for T.V. Imagine what good couldn't have been done to the world instead of making them. Third world debt could have been paid off by now instead of making those shit films, or at least we could have found a cure for aids.

The sad truth is one mans Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the black pearl is another mans All the rest of that film franchise. Those pointless films will continue to make money until we can properly educate the young as lets face it only the really fucking stupid want to watch a film called The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It.

1 comment:

  1. I can see all the rental customers clammering to watch The 41 year old virgin.... over something decent already! It happens all the time sadly!
