Wednesday, 27 January 2010

We arent worried about your sons racism

Its probably just the media but it feels like racism is on the rise . The BNP are everywhere and you cant walk into a pub with out hearing some cunt talk about how this country use to be. The simple truth is the country use to be bland, bland music, bland food and bland notting hill carnival. The truth about the whole matter is simple THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PURE ENGLAND. The racist don't really want to send the foreigners home, they just want to send home the ones with darker skin. If these radical groups got there way and sent home every person who's heritage wasn't pure English then seriously who would be left? Pretty much no one. Think about it this little country has been invaded by the French, the Romans and the Danish. But luckily they where all white.

We must also take into consideration why the government really doesn't mind all these people coming to "our" country, its because of your grandparents. In nature if you become to old to keep yourself alive you die. Its a sad state of affairs i know. But this happens for a number of reasons. In developed countries we pride ourselves on keeping things going especially old people. We will keep them high on drugs and place them in homes for as long as we can, well as long as they can anyway. We do this mostly out of guilt and a fear of loss. A fear of loss i share i don't want my family to die but the Jed part of me knows it will happen and its best to train my self to accept their loss. Anyway I'm getting lost the reason its your grandparents fault is there are to many of them and they all want those pensions they paid into, O yes Grandad Smith has worked hard his whole life and now he wants what he is owed. The problem is there ain't enough young people to put in the cash that there taking out. There isn't enough kids being born.

Why no more kids? well they ain't great really are they? They cry and crap themselves for like the first 15 years then they become little racists or Communists, maybe even worse they might decide be vegetarians. Kids aren't great, they are OK and can be fun but the best child in the world is the one you can hand back to its parents. I don't want to sound mean but most of the people from my generation seem very happy not to have to find a babysitter, they don't want to be back by 10 and they sure as fuck don't want to be up all night after that dealing with a crying kid.

Its an odd circle of need, old people need foreigners to come to this country and put money into the system, young people need to keep old people alive so they don't feel bad and so we can carry on borrowing money from them and foreigners need to come to the UK for work or to escape persecution and death. Young people also need foreigners so that we don't have to have are own kids and be forced to give up our weekends.

1 comment:

  1. Love the serious undertones of this latest blog Mr Budworth and you make some great points! Bravo!
