Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Blog 2- Blog Harder

I've been playing a lot of call of duty recently i wouldn't say I've been over doing it but I've easily clogged up a few days worth of play. I have discovered through game magazine articles and letters that soldiers off the front line tend to play these games a lot, i find this odd. I find it odd for a few reasons firstly that I'm sure these people don't want to be reminded of the horrors of actual war and secondly that they might find it insulting to see well equipped soldiers in these games actually making a noticeable difference within the game set world. i mean in most of these games it ends with the bad guys dead and the good guys winning.

Don't for a second believe that I have no respect for the armed forces this is far from the point. There told to do what their superior says and everyone in the army answers to someone. That someone is usually a politician that wants to be remembered for achieving something. Keeping in mind I've already stated that I do have respect for the armed forces I must protest about the idiotic group on face book titled something along the lines of " pay soldiers what we pay football players" I'm not entirely certain that's the actual name but you get the gist. I mean of all the stupid ideas in the world who ever invented that group must either have the brain of a dim witted pot plant or the foresight of one of those bugs that only lives for 24 hours. just imagine if we paid every soldier in Afghanistan this amount for two weeks, our country would be bankrupt (well more bankrupt then it already is) plus i would expect so much more form the average grunt i would expect all of them to as good at fighting as i am on call of duty.

I have to question what these soldiers really get out of playing these games, maybe its mostly played by soldiers that wont ever see combat and they want to practise but i cant imagine practising on game would help improve your aim, strength, endurance to pain or ability to deal with the stress of war. on top of that in a game you could get shoot a few times and be a OK in real life you could get shot once and well...... be a little dead.

Just of topic for a sec i wonder these days how many people had seen a porn before they lost there virginity compared to say 30 years ago. I can only assume that we are all becoming better lovers because of this. That's why so many kids are having sex so much younger then people of my generation. my generation saying that makes me feel old. But think about this seeing porn shows you what goes where, how to please your partner how to do those things your sex ed teacher would never dare even try to explain. I for one am grateful, lets have a big HOORAY for porn,

I guess my point is this playing war games wont make you a better soldier but watching porn will make you a better lover :)

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