Friday, 28 May 2010

Things could be better, you could be dead :)

You know your not in a good place when your cat jumps off your bed and you find yourself shouting 'fine, go then , who needs you?' the cat being a cat had no idea I was talking to her and ran of to find some food or do something else only cats care about like drilling behind couches. But things aren't great I find myself now being unemployed for 6 months and experience shows that life can easily get very depressing at this stage. Money is always an issue but more so when people want you to visit and there are party's to attend. Which seems to mostly happen around the summer. Of course the irony being if I was working I probably wouldn't be able to attend such gatherings as I would be busy. So whats the answer? Get a job is a good answer and its a practical answer but this isn't like when I was 17 and didn't care I have genuinely been trying. As a man with out any real responsibilities in life I can almost happily work for minimum wage with out any real issue, well no real issue if I'm working full time. But I have found nothing so recently I decided just find work, any work with some exceptions but call me old fashion cleaning jobs are for woman and illegal immigrants. Little joke there for you. So with no job offers I decided that fuck it even part time work will do. Still no fucking luck.

Boredom can easily be fixed, well temporarily any way. You can fix it for 90 minuets with a film or 3 hours or so having a gaming session. But this is always only temporarily. Soon you have to deal with your mundane life again. I still hate day time T.V. almost as much as I hate prime time T.V. the only joy I get is watching a few American shows online and sadly most of the good ones are either not going to be shown any more or they are coming to the end of there season. I guess my point is T.V. sucks.

Life isn't all grim though I recently had the joy of my niece and sister visiting for a couple of days. Toddlers are great, as long as your not the parent that is. They can bring hours of entertainment to your life simply by making odd noises and trying to have baby conversations with you. By baby conversation I mean a string of random noises pieced together with whole words. Plus looking after kids is tiring, in the future gyms will still have all of the equipment in them but you will be lent a child upon entry and it will be your job to play with said child while keeping it safe from all the weights and running machines and so on. I promise you you'll be more tired then if you spent the day simply on the running machine, plus it will be a lot more entertaining.

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