Monday, 10 May 2010

Its not about the money, its about sending a message

Blog blog blog. Ummm blog blog, blog. These things are getting harder to do, although sadly existence for all things seem to have continued I find myself wondering what to write about. Luckily there has been an election. A time for all of us to have a say on who runs the country then an opportunity for 2/3Rd's of the country to be ignored. Whoop whoop that's politics baby. If we where smart we would have a two horse race like in America that way only 50% would feel let down.

I voted Lib Dem, I did this for a number of reasons, but mostly because i class myself as a liberal person. Being from Kent I have an irrational hatred of the French but I'm working on that and that's about as racist as i get. I'm not scared of gays and my views on drugs are well........ liberal. For the first time since records began I was under the impression that the Lib Dems had a real chance of victory I genuinly thought this. And I was happy, for the most part everyone I knew was happy. The idea that a vote for the Lib Dems was a wasted vote was gone. We could relax and just wait to vote, then we could experience some real change in our lives. This of course did not happen. This didn't happen because for some unknown reason when you got to the pooling station you panicked. YOU FUCKING COWARD. All those fears you once had about voting Lib Dem came back and you put a cross in the Torry box.

O the Tories. If ever there was a political party that was for the rich by the rich it was them. It may as well be called Toffs Anonymous. To this day the only people I know who vote them are either middle class or above and old people. Old fucking idiots that read bullshit right wing newspapers and live there lives in constant fear. They all sit around worried stupid that all there grand kids are being raped senseless by pedos. I'm sorry but the truth of the matter is child rapes are down, they have been on a constant decline since the 70's whats up though is the media coverage. Plus no offence but if you dress you 12 year old up like a hooker someone might offer her some money.

In all fairness my hatred of the Torry scum might come from being raised poor during the 80's, and a part of me knows that you cant get in to power any more with out reaching both the rich and the poor, but this does not change the fact that saying what poor people want to hear is not the same as having lived there lives. What ever, the people have spoken, the toffs are in lets see what happens over the next 4 years.

While on this subject now I'm not saying I will never vote Conservative as one day I might, they might change there policies to make me believe they are whats right for this country, but I find the idea unlikely. I am a strong believer that anyone who claims that they will always vote for one party, if it be Conservative, Labour or Lib Dems. I believe those people should not be allowed to vote. They simply just don't get the system, they don't understand how this works and how a party will change it views on subjects depending on the state of the country. I have met a number of these 'idiots' over the years. All of them claiming loyalty to a party as if it was a football club. Please don't become one of them, try to keep an open mind. But of course never vote BNP or National Front as that would make you worse then Hitler.

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