Saturday, 15 May 2010

Kitty Cat Conundrums

Hi mum, how was Spain? Good good and by the way Arri has lost one of his legs. This is how a conversation will start when I see my mum for the first time in a week. She has been teaching idiot Spaniards how to speak English. I class then as idiots as we all know that the English language is the most practical and easy language to learn in the world, this is because it forms naturally in the brain. Think about it almost all over languages use our letters, they just mumble them up and pronounce them differently (thank you Al Murray for that joke).

So how did my beautiful cat come to lose one of his legs, the truth is we will probably never know. All I can tell you is what I know.I strongly suggest that for dramatic affect you picture me as a 7 year old girl, this way you'll have more sympathy and wont class me as a wuss for getting very emotional about this event. So our story begins on Wednesday the 12th of may I was busy in my room (watching T.V. and pissing about on the Internet pretty much as busy as an unemployed person can be really) when my dad called me in to his study. He told me that something was very wrong with our cat Arri. I checked on the cat to see blood all over him and covering the couch he was sitting on, at this time I didn't know if it was his blood or something else but it quickly became apparent it was his. His front left leg had almost been destroyed completely almost all the fur had been ripped off and the bones which where visible seems broken and mangled. It was not a pleasant site. Immediately we jumped in to action I searched for a cage to put him in while my dad contacted the vets and then phoned my nan, my nan being the only member of the Budworth clan with any common sense when it comes to money is the person we most rely on in times of upcoming financial difficulties, thank you so much nan. While we where both out of the room Arri had hobbled upstairs, he wasn't exactly difficult to find and the trail of blood leading to him reminded me of about 100 action movie cliches, but it also reminded me of gravity of the situation. I manged to find him a cage and put down a cushion for him to sit on and we where off.

First stop pick up my nan, like i said she is our rock in financial issues and anyone that's ever had an animal emergency can tell you vets are not cheap. The journey picking her up was easy enough and that cat although obviously miserable was moving around. Then off to the vet, I sat in the back of the car the whole journey keeping an eye on Arri but we had to make our way to Sevenoaks, not a long journey by any means but time drags in these kinds of situations and a minuet feels like an hour. I cant claim to know anything about blood loss traumas but if T.V. and films have taught me anything its that you don't let something that's lost a lot of blood sleep. This of course might be the completely wrong thing to do in this case but I don't know that so every time I see his eyes close and his breathing slow down i would call his name out loud or knock the cage to keep him alert, it seems to work as he manages to stay awake for the whole journey. We pull up to the vets I jump out grabbing the cat cage and storm in to the vets, the receptionist knows exactly who we are and why where there and leads us to what I can only guess is emergency waiting room.

Like I wrote earlier it helps if you imagine me to be a 7 year old girl and all this time I have been fighting back the tears as I'm very much under the impression this cat will die in my arms. All I can think of are all the wonder full characteristics this cat has and it was killing me to think this was his last day on the planet. I f ever there was cat that lived for being stroked it was Arri, it was his purpose in life to find things that could and would stroke him, rubbing himself against any and all objects, on top of that he loved sleeping, but not like any cat I have ever known. He loved sleeping in some of the weirdest positions known to man, I can safely say that even the most talented practitioner of yoga could not recreate these moves, and he did them in his sleep. The vet finds us a few minuets later and leads us in to an assessment room. She is a pro quickly getting him out of the cage and assessing the injury to the leg, but these aren't her main concerns. The real issue maybe internal, especially if these injury's have been caused by a car.

Were informed that what other problems there maybe the cat will lose his leg, this cant be helped the damage is to bad. I suspected as much so this wasn't to much of a shock. Just as the doctor was about to leave I ask 'do you think my cat will make it?' She didn't want to give a straight answer, she knew that if there was to much internal damage there wasn't anything that could be done so she just reassured me and told me that she hoped so.

We left Arri cat with them to be put on a drip and given some pain meds, they would need to observe him over night then remove the leg the following day. We went home to clean up the blood and wait to hear what fate would become my cat. It was a terrible night, I hardly slept and felt awful throughout the night. I did text a friend or two seeking comfort but it was late and to be honest I doubt anything said would have cheered me up. So I went back to waiting.

As mourning came around we received a call of good news, there where no other injury's and the leg had been removed . On top of that they where happy with his progress and we would be getting him back soon. WHOOP WHOOP :)

My dad picked him up from the vets late Friday evening while he was there he was told that Arri had won an award for bravery, apparently he was good and calm the whole time he was there, then again I suppose its easy to be calm when drugged up on morphine, but hey who is complaining. So he is back with us now, he is trying to adjust to the lack of a limb, but cats adapt quickly and he is already moving about and sleeping in odd positions. I haven't been able to say anything on facebook or right this before as we didn't want my mum finding out while she was away on holiday, for obvious reasons we didn't feel it right to risk it.

I don't expect anyone to care about this to much, I mean Jesus Christ how many of you shed a tear about that recent plane crash that killed over a 100 people. Don't worry I'm not calling your heartless its just we've all desensitised to this type of tradegy. But if any of you have recently come in to a large sum of cash and want to help with the vet bills please let me know. Did I mention my cat can say 'i love you' on demand?

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