Saturday, 22 May 2010


Summer is here, finally. I know this for a fact as 2 nights ago I couldn't get to sleep because of the fucking humidity. I'm one of those people that likes to be covered up when I sleep so its a bit inconvenient during these hot nights. But fuck it summer is here, o yeah the season of barbeque's, holidays, lots of alchol and woman wearing very little. You got to love summer unless your pale skinned, broke, ugly or working loads. Summer has its ups and its downs that's for sure.

We also have the world cup, this is both blessing and curse for all those who will be watching. Instant curse if your from one of those backwards countries that didn't qualify as you get to listen to the rest of us going on and on about it. Instant curse if your a woman or gay and simply looking at all the pretty men isn't enough for you. Instant curse if you like me find the world cup the only time to get passionate about football then you get your heart broken when England lose on penalties. Who knows maybe this year will be our year its not very likely but we will see. I kind of hope it wont be as to be fair England have so little to celebrate that we keep going on and on about any small victory we have ever had. Don't get me wrong we aren't half as bad as Scotland but we are pretty bad. Yes we won world war 2 with no help from any other country but that was 500 years ago and we still feel OK about hanging on to all racist attitudes attached to that war. I would love an achievement that England could have in which we made a real difference to everyone on the planet, something that could be talked about for 1000 years not just that we invented the pot noodle.

Summer time is also the time for the summer blockbuster. A time of year when we wrap turds up with tin foil and declare it to be platinum. I will probably watch a few real stinkers this year but because it will be loud and flashy I'll come away thinking I've seen a master piece. You are probably worse then me when it comes to this with a few exceptions. I know this as a lot of you come away from watching a real bit of crap and state how it was the best film you have ever seen. I don't like to give ratings in reviews, I think its more important to try and get appoint how you felt about something in other ways but the rating system works and its easy for most people to understand. So here is my review of Iron Man 2, I give it 3.5 out of 5 for the record if I had to review Iron man 1 I would give it the exact same score, here's why. Its not the same movie, but there is a part of me that feel its is, maybe because it kicks of just after Iron Man 1 but more so because I felt there was no real growth in any of the characters. Take the Lord of The Rings films, most critics and movie goers will class these films as modern classics and rightly so. They are huge big budget movies with impressive acting and great set pieces. They where wonderfully made with real love and attention. Plus there was real character growth, you could see the main players change from film to film. Interesting side note more then in the books. Anyway back to Iron Man 2 I enjoyed it , don't get me wrong it was fun and enjoyable, it looked great and had some real laugh out loud moments, sadly the biggest laugh out loud moment for me was waiting till the end of the credits to catch a look at Thor, the waiting was fucking pointless I learnt nothing. Anyway Iron Man 2 good I'll probably end up owning it and I'll say now if you have a couple of hours free go check it out you will probably have, it is not the best film ever made though.

I went on a bit longer then I planned with that section sorry. Anyway I love film or should that be I love lovefilm? Its an online film and game rental services for those of you not in the know and it rocks. For £14.99 a month I can have 2 disks at any time for as long as I want them. This really comes in handy when it comes to games and has saved me at least 3 times as much as the cost of membership with just the games rentals. In fairness I can complete a game in a weekend, so if i brought them that's over £30 a pop just for that if I rented from Blockbuster that's about £6 a week which is not bad. But I recently rented Final Fantasy 13 and had that game for close to a month, money saved :) .

I don't just get games I also get films, lots of films. I'm currently unemployed so killing time is important to me and films help a lot. Especially when it comes to catching up on all those films I don't want to own but do want to see. This brings me to a documentary called Religulous here is the description from the love film site

This documentary follows political humorist and author Bill Maher as he travels around the globe interviewing people about God and religion. Known for his analytical skills, wit and commitment to never pulling a punch, Maher brings his characteristic honesty to an unusual spiritual journey.

This film didn't tell me anything new about my views on religion it shocked me a little but for the most part I already knew that religion on the whole is fucking nuts. What shocked me the most was the views from prominent Catholic Priests they weren't as backwards thinking as I thought. Bill Maher talked to some real fruit loops, I'm talking about people so fucking stupid they built a theme park showing dinosaurs and man playing together. When Bill went to the Vatican to meet there head of astronomy he said that the very notion of man and dinosaur being together was insane, and that the planet was millions of years old not just 5000 as some fruit loops believe. he knows this because of the use of science. Bill later spoke to another Priest who happily stated that the idea of following the bible to the letter was stupid and that there are good messages to take from the bible (like there are from pretty much all religions) but don't get suckered in to all the over crap. That's what I like about some true believers the guys that's do really exist but they aren't judgemental they do seem genuinely full of love. There isn't many of them and for every one of these true believers there are a million idiots with bombs strapped to them selves or who insist that evolution is a trick from the devil. Do check out this documentary, like I said most of it didn't shock me, I know that most religion is so crazy and backwards it has no place in our lives, but every now and again i found out something new that really out a smile on my face and made me feel there was still hope left for us all.

Doing more research I have found this film online on YouTube its all there go watch

1 comment:

  1. You should be a film reviewer, THAT'S what your new job can be! Thank me when your a star :P x
