Wednesday, 27 January 2010

We arent worried about your sons racism

Its probably just the media but it feels like racism is on the rise . The BNP are everywhere and you cant walk into a pub with out hearing some cunt talk about how this country use to be. The simple truth is the country use to be bland, bland music, bland food and bland notting hill carnival. The truth about the whole matter is simple THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PURE ENGLAND. The racist don't really want to send the foreigners home, they just want to send home the ones with darker skin. If these radical groups got there way and sent home every person who's heritage wasn't pure English then seriously who would be left? Pretty much no one. Think about it this little country has been invaded by the French, the Romans and the Danish. But luckily they where all white.

We must also take into consideration why the government really doesn't mind all these people coming to "our" country, its because of your grandparents. In nature if you become to old to keep yourself alive you die. Its a sad state of affairs i know. But this happens for a number of reasons. In developed countries we pride ourselves on keeping things going especially old people. We will keep them high on drugs and place them in homes for as long as we can, well as long as they can anyway. We do this mostly out of guilt and a fear of loss. A fear of loss i share i don't want my family to die but the Jed part of me knows it will happen and its best to train my self to accept their loss. Anyway I'm getting lost the reason its your grandparents fault is there are to many of them and they all want those pensions they paid into, O yes Grandad Smith has worked hard his whole life and now he wants what he is owed. The problem is there ain't enough young people to put in the cash that there taking out. There isn't enough kids being born.

Why no more kids? well they ain't great really are they? They cry and crap themselves for like the first 15 years then they become little racists or Communists, maybe even worse they might decide be vegetarians. Kids aren't great, they are OK and can be fun but the best child in the world is the one you can hand back to its parents. I don't want to sound mean but most of the people from my generation seem very happy not to have to find a babysitter, they don't want to be back by 10 and they sure as fuck don't want to be up all night after that dealing with a crying kid.

Its an odd circle of need, old people need foreigners to come to this country and put money into the system, young people need to keep old people alive so they don't feel bad and so we can carry on borrowing money from them and foreigners need to come to the UK for work or to escape persecution and death. Young people also need foreigners so that we don't have to have are own kids and be forced to give up our weekends.

Monday, 25 January 2010

the 4th blog of the trilogy

Who are we? how do we define ourselves? Do you think of yourself as the smart individual, funny and caring? Or more likely are you the person you are when drunk? They say it lowers your inhibitions so it is more likely that your true self is revealed. I can honestly say that alcohol does not affect me in that way as I don't get aggressive or overly emotional I just loose my balance a bit and start talking crap. No what reveals my true character is when i play online games. This is when my dark side emerges this is when i become a bit of a loud mouth cunt. I'll be playing happily killing my enemies with great ease and some 9 year old kid (who shouldn't even own the game) will join the enemy team. Every bullet he fires will find its way between my virtual eyes, every missile strike will land perfectly between my legs and this is when nature changes. Every foreign voice i hear over the headset will make me lash out like a BNP extremist. Every time i get myself killed carelessly by a cowardly sniper hiding at the back of the map I'll make dam sure he gets a personal message from me calling him a pussy. Every time i get knifed by some American who bugged me before the game started I'll be sure to call him a fag (not in a homophobic way, just as for some reason Americans more then most take great offence to this).

I don't want to believe that this is who i truly am a homophobic racist but that's what spurts out when i loose control the same way that people act out more when they have some booze in their system. This rage of mine can be more then that like with some people while drunk they tend to do mindless act of vandalism and destruction if i get to pissed off I've been known to smash a controller against a wall or Punch holes in walls (plasters walls, i haven't been smashing holes in brick). I don't want to freak anyone out i wont come to your house happily play with your wii lose a game a throw your TV out of the nearest window, these acts of rage i only let out safely while on my own.

All of this safely brings me on to the incredible HULK i recently watched a cartoon movie called planet hulk, if i do say so myself a sure contender for a golden globe maybe even an Oscar, that is if they like watching giant green men smash stuff up. The hulk is David Banner's alter ego he is what happens when banner loses it, yet he never became as pointlessly hate full as i seem to. He never wishes death to the french, he doesn't get into 5 minuet arguments with yanks over why using double shotgun is a pussy's choice. NO. he usually gets into adventures and saves peoples lives, this is what he does when he is angry, he saves lives and destroys stuff in cool ways "HULK SMASH". Just think for a second about what you do when your drunk, how you act and how sometimes when your inhibitions are low what you do? It doesn't have to be when drunk it could be when you get road rage? maybe drugs do it for you? who knows but pretty much all of us lose control at some point.

Now think what might you do if you had super powers and you got drunk or got angry, how you might act. Then ask yourself do you ever truly deserve those kind of powers? Now don't imaging you have super powers but your given the job of American president a job considered to be the most powerful in the world, are you saying you wouldn't invade a country if you could?

Thursday, 21 January 2010


Life would be so much simpler if we where all born gay all girls and all boys from birth love there own. Every year the guys would pass the ladies a large splatter or man juice to be used to make babies and so the life cycle continues. If your reading this all shocked and disgusted stop and think. Lets start with girls and the benefits of going all lesbo. for starters no more dealing with guys face facts we are smelly, burping ,farting monsters. We share limited things in common with you and for the most part we only agree with you as a way of avoiding arguments. Think about your best friend, she is fun to be around she isn't always horny she loves your style or will tell you when something isn't right for you and for the most part she will always be there for you.

For the guys think of all the trouble you have got yourself into for woman, pointless arguments, petty squabbles, all the times you've had to watch some shit film. Think about your mates and what a relationship with them might be doing what you both love all the time. This of course is a pointless fantasy. No relationship is ever perfect and Gay men and lesbian woman have as much trouble with relationships as there straight counterparts. Plus no matter how shaven or soft a man he is never as soft and lovely as a woman. Stupid woman looking so nice, smelling so lovely and just in general being prettier.

In an ideal world men would be prettier and life would be less complex but it ain't so we are stuck with this annoying status quo.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Blog 2- Blog Harder

I've been playing a lot of call of duty recently i wouldn't say I've been over doing it but I've easily clogged up a few days worth of play. I have discovered through game magazine articles and letters that soldiers off the front line tend to play these games a lot, i find this odd. I find it odd for a few reasons firstly that I'm sure these people don't want to be reminded of the horrors of actual war and secondly that they might find it insulting to see well equipped soldiers in these games actually making a noticeable difference within the game set world. i mean in most of these games it ends with the bad guys dead and the good guys winning.

Don't for a second believe that I have no respect for the armed forces this is far from the point. There told to do what their superior says and everyone in the army answers to someone. That someone is usually a politician that wants to be remembered for achieving something. Keeping in mind I've already stated that I do have respect for the armed forces I must protest about the idiotic group on face book titled something along the lines of " pay soldiers what we pay football players" I'm not entirely certain that's the actual name but you get the gist. I mean of all the stupid ideas in the world who ever invented that group must either have the brain of a dim witted pot plant or the foresight of one of those bugs that only lives for 24 hours. just imagine if we paid every soldier in Afghanistan this amount for two weeks, our country would be bankrupt (well more bankrupt then it already is) plus i would expect so much more form the average grunt i would expect all of them to as good at fighting as i am on call of duty.

I have to question what these soldiers really get out of playing these games, maybe its mostly played by soldiers that wont ever see combat and they want to practise but i cant imagine practising on game would help improve your aim, strength, endurance to pain or ability to deal with the stress of war. on top of that in a game you could get shoot a few times and be a OK in real life you could get shot once and well...... be a little dead.

Just of topic for a sec i wonder these days how many people had seen a porn before they lost there virginity compared to say 30 years ago. I can only assume that we are all becoming better lovers because of this. That's why so many kids are having sex so much younger then people of my generation. my generation saying that makes me feel old. But think about this seeing porn shows you what goes where, how to please your partner how to do those things your sex ed teacher would never dare even try to explain. I for one am grateful, lets have a big HOORAY for porn,

I guess my point is this playing war games wont make you a better soldier but watching porn will make you a better lover :)

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

In the begining

I've been talked in to creating somthing abysmal. Hopefully it'll be filled with spelling mistakes and grammer errors as i've always had trust issues with spell check. My former collegue and current gamecube pimp James "the cookie monster" Cooke has talked me into doing this. I say talked me into but i caved easily, i guess if anything I was bored and needed something to do.

I'll start with talking to anyone who will listen about a certain dead cat, as i've already stated om facebook i'm a little upset after reading about a cat that was run over after it crossed the street trying to catch its bus. The story goes that this cat took the same bus everyday for 4 years. In all honesty i dont beleive this i mean if the bus service was that reliable the company would be the only bus service in the country. I guess it just made me think of all the animals there have been in my home and how many of them died pointlessly. I think its safe to say that out of a possible 20 pets only 3 of them died of old age (or lethal injection). So if anyone from the RSPCA is reading this maybe its time to investigate?

Like i also commented on a certain facebook post is about how although there are wars and mass deaths from natural disasters ( natural disasters if you not crazy, gods judgement if you are) . None of that stuff seems to phase me, probably because I'm use to it the stupid media has decensored me to it then they act all surprised when i don't turn away in horror when they start a piece with some viewers may want to turn away.

I guess my point is that nothing shocks me now except cute animals being killed so if they want to keep making Saw films shocking they should start torturing kittens and puppy's and getting there owners to watch I still wouldn't watch it but only as now i would be to scared to.