Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Yes the loud banging noise makes you feel happy, thats because your an idiot

There is something truly annoying about having to listen to second hand noise. Like over hearing a party when your trying to sleep or hearing people fuck in the room next door. The most annoying part is that you wish you where involved in these things. You wish you where doing the fucking or getting drunk and dancing around like a buffoon at a party. But your not, your in bed alone getting pissed off that you have to listen to these things. As your not involved you start telling yourself that these inconsiderate people are doing these things to wind you up. They are purposely doing these things to remind you of what you could be doing . But anyone who has ever had sex or even been to a party knows this is not true. You not doing anything to just be a dick your having fun when it comes to a real swinging party you probably wouldn't care if your neighbour turned up with some booze and started having a good time (unless you hate your neighbour), you might care a bit if he turned up to watch you having sex though.

I know that the people that live around me don't live there lives to annoy me, I know when a car drives past me blaring out shit dance music that's this is not happening because the driver has singled me out. I just feel that they have.

For a man who doesn't drive the very notion of some 17 year old chav fuck who's parent have brought him a new car just because they love him winds me right up. Who do they think they are? Treating him to gifts especially as we all know him to be a twat. For a man who hardly ever gets laid the idea of happily in love friends having sex on a regular basis really pisses me off, who do you think you are? Living your lives happily in the arms of someone you love, you make me sick.

In an ideal world everyone is as miserable as I am no party's are ever had. Sex is saved for once in a blue moon and chav fucks listen to classical music on the lowest volume setting and even then they are sorry for all the inconvenience.

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