Sunday, 11 April 2010

It cost to much to be nice

Someone once said it cost nothing to be nice. This of course is a lie. Being nice cost time, effort and your patience. Whats worse is you may be left with a friend simply because you choose to be nice instead of saying what you truly wanted to say. As an example I'll tell the story of myself and Mr X. I worked with Mr X for a short time. He was pleasant, kind, gentle and a little dim. The exact opposite of what I look for in a friend. I like aggressive, opinionated people that can challenge me mentally which most of you know that last one isn't difficult so if you fail that challenge you must be thick as shit. I worked with Mr X like I said briefly about 2-4 weeks although I would keep bumping into him after this time every now and again.

The last time i bumped in to him I was sitting by Tonbridge river relaxing in the sun waiting for my bus. He walked by with his friends and girlfriend I said hi, he said hi and instead of walking past he stopped for a chat. Joy. I exchanged pleasantries for a while asking him how he was, what he had been up to and generally keeping it brief and straight to the point. Everyone knows the type of conversation, the one where your just trying to get it over with. I had decided a few minuets in that he was not going anywhere so I would have to make my excuses and head off. As I began to leave he suggested we exchange phone numbers and one day we should go for a drink, grudgingly i accepted this and we did the exchange. I spend two more minuets saying good bye and walk off. Minuets later I get a phone call from a number I don't recognize I answer to hear Mr X's voice he wanted me to have his girlfriends number in case for any reason I have trouble getting hold of him.

I think I made my point, I think all of us know that person we don't want contact with but just feel obliged to be nice and polite to. Of course the sad truth is that most of us don't know if we are that guy as we are all so nice to one another.

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