Sunday, 7 March 2010

Choose Ninja as pirates are shit

Pirates are crap, they where cool for about a year then crappy sequels where made and I lost respect for Johnny Depp. I'm sure all faith will be rebuilt when i see Alice but until then........
Anyway what was my point, umm I guess that anything great can let you down or will let you down. Some people think that the second and third pirates of the Caribbean films are good or great. You are wrong, so very very wrong I cant go into to much detail but just remember how good the first one was and compare.

So was it Johnny Depps fault? I mean think about it he did read the script. He did agree to it. But he is only human and he wanted the money. Which probably hurts the most, I've seen Mr Depp in some great performances he usually doesn't disappoint.

Johnny Depp letting me down was bound to happen, if the Matrix films have taught us anything its that some thing are inevitable, this is fine. Besides he is an actor I don't actually know, I know of him, I just don't know him personally. This makes forgiving him easier. So what happens when someone I know personally lets me down this is inevitable. Sadly if you have lived your life without anyone you love or trust letting you down it probably means your about 6 months old. At some point you will feel let down maybe even betrayed.

These people wont do this for a massive amount of money, they will do this accidentally. They probably wont be thinking straight or they will be hurt themselves and feel like venting. They will mostly do this because they are human and we make mistakes all the time. It will be up to them to do something great to try and win back your trust but mostly it will be up to you to choose when to forgive them. But keep in mind you have probably let someone down at some point also as your only human and if you haven't you will.

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