Monday, 22 March 2010

I wish I was a sad clown hooker, at least that way I would have a job

I've been really good up until today, I never got suckered in, I always found away to avoid it. But today i have accidentally tuned into Jeremy Kyle and I haven't switched off straight away. I think its mostly down to northerners being on, when those guys get yabbering on in their weird northern accents I just get hypnotised its almost poetry except they all say "at the end of the day"alot. Any who I'm getting off topic, the reason I don't watch day time TV is that as soon as you do its almost like giving up searching for a job. There are some acceptions to this rule though for example you are allowed to watch channel 4 comedies such as Frasier and cheers.

So I've been unemployed for about 4 months now and for the most part i have kept myself sane and occupied. The issue is that when I look back over those 4 months I start thinking about all the things I could have achieved if I really tried. I enjoy writing which is why I do these stupid blogs but anyone that knows me knows I have a passion for films and comics which is why I have about a million ideas a day for films. Yet when it comes time to settling down and getting some work done I find another way to fill the time like playing computer games, watching bad movies or watching good porn. Having a boring life is such a distraction. A friend of mine once said if you need something done give the job to someone busy.

So how do i resolve all these issues? How do i change my life around and get it on the right tracks? Seriously I'm asking as I have no clue. But there is a good chance that if you are reading this you haven't figured that out yet either.

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