Monday, 22 February 2010

Those tortures make me sick in my opinion they should be tortured to death

Do you fucking idiots ever read things through? I know that most of you read the first line of something and go that sounds good I'll agree with that. Its how papers grab your attention before twisting your opinion in to theirs Eg.

English Jobs For English people. Lets stop recruiting cheap foreign labour when so many people within our own country are unemployed.

This sounds like a good idea until you actually stop to think about it for more then a Milli second. The idea of England banning foreign employment works OK for about a month then the rest of the world get tired of employing foreigners so they ban them as well. If that happens and estimated 5.5 million people come back to the UK unemployed. They need a place to live, food to eat and job seekers allowance. 5.5 million people at £120 every two weeks is £13,20000000 per month that would need to be paid out. Wow i wonder if the goverment has that much?

The reason I'm on this rant is after I stumbled across a group on face book congratulating a prisoner that throw boiling water in the face of baby P's step dad, of course there is no word of what that man was in prison for in the first place. He might be worse then the step dad maybe he goes around throwing boiling water in every ones face, maybe he raped and murdered your mum, who knows it didn't say. But my point should be clear. One of the comments made on this page states this

The prisoner that chucked boiling water in baby p's stepdads face (Y) all the pepole that say torture would be going down to his level or "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". ok so if u were attack you wouldnt fight back because you dont want to go down to there level?? you would just stand there and be like "oh thats all right mate never mind"?? any way the only pepole who go down to steven barkers level are pedos and child beaters!!

For the retard that wrote this an eye for an eye is about taking revenge NOT DEFENDING YOURSELF. If we condone these kind of actions what message are we sending out about ourselves? Also what next say a man with kids rapes a child does this make it OK for his children to be raped?

I hate this sort of thing, I hate how easy it is for complete retards to have there views agreed with by nodding idiots, there is a chance some of you are doing that now while reading this but that's OK as i forgive you, because I'm sure you have your own opinion on this matter and most of you wont set up a group on facebook screaming about it.

If you want to check out the page on face book type
The prisoner that chucked boiling water in baby p's stepdads face (Y)
in to the search engine then feel free to make up your own mind.

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