Sunday, 7 February 2010

Mmmmmm soylent green

I'm not a vegetarian but i feel bad for cows, god they taste good. I mean really good if you are a vegetarian and always have been just imagine the nicest soup you've ever had times the taste by 100 and your still not close to how good steak is . If you weren't born a veggie but choose to be you know how good meat is you've just chosen the moral high ground as your appalled by the senseless death of a living animal and maybe by the way in which it was killed or stored before its death. Yet for some reason you feel OK about eating rice crispy squares you fucking hypocrite.

You sit there so smug as you judge me while i devour half a cow in front of you as you eat your stuffed tomato with a light side salad. Cows don't often have dreams or ambitions they don't go on holiday or discover lost civilizations. Can you say the same about the rice crispy in those squares? Well can you? I've seen the ads a young rice crispy making its way through a jungle to stumble across a tribe of other rice crispy just before all of them are imprisoned in a wrapper and shipped of to be eaten. That's the last anyone will see of that tribe.

That's not as bad as the Hostel Esq(as in the movie hostel) biscuit ads you know the ones. One them shows a young wheat plant leaving its parents telling them how its going to become a wholemeal biscuit. The parents try to warn it saying how know one has ever come back from that place but the young fella ignores them as it walks of for certain doom. Its obvious that this poor piece of wheat has been brainwashed, but nothing can be done.

The sad truth is vegetarians have no issues with eating these products yet they judge me for eating cow, chicken and all other delicious animals but none of those animals ever discovered a forgotten kingdom where brainwashed in to leaving there families just to be dunked in to a cup of tea. So before you judge me ask yourself am i really any better.

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