Wednesday, 17 February 2010

The Kebab is not a healthy alternative to fruit

I had a good time last night i went bowling if you've never been its a simple enough premise you throw a ball at some pins in a bid to knock down as many as possible. In fairness I'm not selling it as its more fun then i made it sound but I think if i had the job of describing most sport it wouldn't come across well. Like there is a game played by 22 people 11 on each side and they have to kick a ball about and try and get it in a goal but the catch is the man who defends the goal the "goalie" if you will is allowed to use his hands also you can use your hands if the ball gets pushed out of play but only in certain areas of the pitch, see i don't do it justice unless your a girl in which case there is a good chance I'm talking your language. Any way bowling was fun and i won an r2-d2. What made the evening enjoyable was the good crowd, all old woollies staff and it was nice to catch up as i hadn't seen some them in over a year. The only real upset was that so many people weren't able to attend either due to other plans or simply living to far away but if they aren't willing to make the effort fuck'em.

Anyway the evening ended I came second and almost everyone was left happy except for two people, James who is an expert at bowling on his Wii but sadly bowls like a deranged chimp in real life and Pete who feels that he should not have lost to people that beat him simply because they used the gutter blocker thing. But apart from that everyone was left happily fulfilled well almost fulfilled. While my chauffeur Stacey was driving me home I jokingly requested a kebab to witch her new boyfriend full heartily agreed with so it was of to the takeaway. Sadly I was a little broke at this point but my driver happily lent me some money woo hoo. So a quick drive back to mine and we are sitting in my bedroom discussing cats and loaning out movies. Every ones a winner they leave hopefully happy with my hosting skills and i watch the rest of 8 mile.

Usually when i write these things I have something to vent but recently I've been a bit stale. I'm not that angry with the world, there is no stupid point i want to try and make I'm just feeling a bit numb this might be a good thing. Maybe I'm content. Some how i doubt it. Sure I could bitch about people joining pointless groups on facebook you know the type Mr X has become a fan of people who smile, Mrs X has become a fan of being able to walk, those kind of stupid groups. But I'm sure they know they are idiots so I'm not feeling the urge to really lay into them. Any who I'll leave this for now and come back soon with something more personal to discuss with you all.

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