Monday, 2 May 2011

The Royal Wedding and Other Pointless Current Events

Wow what a day, Osama Bin Laden has been shot dead in his home all across America people are dancing in the street singing praises to America and stating how justice has been done. That's right justice is attacking a man/evil monster in the middle of the night and shooting him dead with three other people. I don't know what I expected I just know I really wanted a court case, it would have been mental to see and the greatest thing ever since sliced bread. I don't blame the probable kill order given to the U.S. soldiers as I can only assume they came under some fire and I would rather hear of Bin Laden death then of another soldier. I'll never defend the monster but I cant as a rational human being defend the idea that justice should be carried out with a hit squad.

Apparently two people got married the other day and we all made a pointlessly big deal about an issue that really is so irrelevant its not even worth mentioning, but fuck it I have an opinion so I'll carry on typing. This event DOES NOT MAKE ME PROUD TO BE BRITISH , why would it? If on there way out they revealed that the royals had been working on a cure to all illness and it was now time to reveal the results, then I would be proud, they didn't. At best they made some real idiots very happy. By idiots I mean anyone that lost sleep for this event. People have all ready been over analysing every event and it makes me bored and feel depressed. My end point is that no life defining moment for so many people should have been pre arranged unless its earths first contact with aliens.

No to Known AV, or how I learned to stop being treated like an idiot by anti-AV supporters. AV also known as the alternative vote system is not complicated, not really not compared to say the plot of Inception. The easiest comparison I can think of is say that of the voting for x-factor or big brother. There isn't one round, if the person you wanted to stay in gets kicked out you can change your preference and keep voting, of course there is a real chance this is just to make more money from you but that's not the issue here. So you wanted Jeff B to win but he got kicked out, but that's OK because Jenny J was your second choice so no real hassle and the game continues. Yeah this is a dumbed down version and I doubt it really answers all your questions, but go do some research if your still lost. My problem is not the AV system , my problem is the two biggest reasons anti AV groups are using. The first being its complicated and you wont be able to get your pretty little head around it. The second is its expensive, but I promise you its not half as expensive as the advertising costs that the anti groups are pumping in to getting there point across. I don't care which way you vote, its your choice, just don't vote one way because your worried about how stupid you are. Just as an end note change is the best thing to happen to our voting system this is constantly proven with all the changes that have happened in the past, first the right for all people from all wealth backgrounds to have the vote, then woman then any ethnic groups, which leads us all to be a fairer better race.

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