Sunday, 6 March 2011

A piss poor Blog, written so that I dont feel bad about not writing anything in a while.

So here are some things people should know about me but probably don't.

1: Although I have real issue with all organised religion (with the exception of Buddhism) I do believe in a "God" like entity. I say God like entity as I don't call it God for a reason and that is that it might not be its name. Plus It probably is not watching down from on high judging us and fucking up our days with poor weather. If anything it was just around first and kind of guided our growth as a race.

2. I believe in an afterlife. If your truly an atheist and your reading this with the idea that this one life is all you have and once it ends that's the end of you, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? So there is nothing after this, you get drunk every weekend then you go to work Monday through to Friday while you save up for your mortgage in the vain hope that you can retire at 64 and live out the rest of your misserable lives watching day time T.V. How is that taking advantage of your one life? In fact thats just living a piss poor existence. Don't get me wrong I'm not judging you really as I'm not even living an existence as good as that, but at least I might have a safety blanket with the idea of either reincarnation or the afterlife, either will do I'm not fussed.

3. I don't get football. Well I don't really get the idea of getting passionate about watching any sport. Playing sport is fun, watching and getting aggressive about a result is a little retarded, unless you have a financial gain from the your team winning. Seriously though every time I hear an idiot state that there teams victory on a certain day was the happiest of there lives it makes me feel angry and very very sad for there children , who now know that the day they where born was not the happiest day of there dad's life. Again I watch match of the day every now and again, I also pretend to support a Arsenal but mostly just to wind up other football fans.

4. I read graphic novels more then I read books. But at least I read so fuck off.

5. I own to many films, both porn and normal. I know what your thinking, your thinking you can never own to much porn or any other films. But you can, you easily can and in this world or movies being at the click of a button do we really need to own films any more? I still have the porn for the big reason of how the fuck do you get rid of it, seriously. EBay wont let me sell it and I would be to embarrassed to just throw it away in case I got caught.

6. I'm getting really old now. Yeah I know I'm not even 30 yet but after a night out drinking my body feels like death for about 3 days. I'm not even talking about getting proper drunk, I'm just talking about a few beers with the boys to the point of getting a bit woozy.

7. I strongly believe that all intolerance comes partly from lack of understanding but mostly from stupidity. This goes for homophobia and racism, you fucking idiot. You get very confused by the difference between immigrants and and illegal immigrants and the fact is you have probably never meet an illegal immigrant so keep your mouth shut.

8. I am a terrible human being. A lot of my friends tell me I'm to harsh on myself but its for a good reason. I don't look after myself so in turn don't really look after those I'm close to. I'm make terrible jokes about other peoples misfortune. Everyone and everything annoys me, well not all the time but at least once and that goes for all of you. Even if i have never met you at least at one point you have pissed me off. But I imagine everyone feels that way.

9. I'm not jealous of your success I just don't want to hear about it. You tell me you have done well at something I'm happy for you, honestly I am. But if someone introduces them self with a list of there accomplishments then they can go to hell. "hi I'm Steve and I'm the youngest area manager in my company" my response is "Hi I'm Jon i bet i can eat a whole pizza before you". This is why I don't care who wins The Apprentice, all of them just seem to be pretentious cunts.

There is more but I'm really tired after having some drinks 2 nights a go some I'm going to go back to bed.

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