Thursday, 27 January 2011

McDonalds will change your life, I promise

My day started as normal waking up an hour before i needed to and feeling very pissed off about it. After checking my e-mail then playing Bejeweled on facebook for a while It was time to wake up and start the day. My boss text me asking me to start as early as I could, I text back saying I had missed the first bus but as soon as I could get there I would. Skip forward half an hour, I'm waiting for the bus and oddly it arrives on time not the customary 10 minuets late. The journey is a standard affair and I get in to Tonbridge 25 minuets later. This is when I found out McDonald's can seriously affect your life.

If you have never had a McDonald's breakfast, please put aside your fear and doubt and just dive in as they can be delicious, granted they can also be disgusting but somethings are worth the risk. I order my usual a double sausage and egg Mcmuffin meal with a hot chocolate drink. All the meal comes to me quickly as you would expect from a fast food chain except the hash brown. Due to the smallest miscommunication they where not put in to the friar so I have to wait about a minuet the food comes to me and I go. I walk to the station and miss my train by 30 seconds.

Not to worry the next train will be there in 5 minuets, but watch out I forget that days that have the letter Y in them will always cause south eastern to have issues and my next train is delayed by 10 minuets. I sit at the station and eat my breakfast, I sit and wonder that this could be the defining moment of my life, simply because some guy forgot to put the hash browns in. I get to work late and the day is pretty shit, we are under staffed due to illness and the manager gets about half a second to himself , plus there is always the issue that I work in Tunbridge Wells and the average customer is a bit of a twat except for when the legend Tom Baker came in but that's only happened the once. So the day was not great and pretty stressful on the plus side it was probably the best McDonald's breakfast I've ever had.

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