Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Which wine goes best with Jaffa Cakes?

Sitting on the bus on the way home from work the slightly odd lady in front of me started eating a pie. A whole pie, i think it was lemon meringue it smelt like it was so I must assume. Like I said the woman was odd, she gets on most days and really does have that odd woman vibe about her but for a man with glasses, facial hair and going bald I do have that pedophile look so I guess my point is nobody's perfect. So there she was happily eating her pie and there i was judging her harshly for it. But then again what is an acceptable food to eat on the bus? I have to admit I have eaten sandwiches, burgers and some ice cream ( in a cone) on the bus before and I never believed any one on the bus was judging me. So I will assume that these are all social acceptable foods, I imagine it would have been different if I had all three at the same time in the style of a sit down meal. So is it down to the quantity of food you eat? Or maybe the style in which you eat it? I would class all the foods I have eaten as hand to mouth food, I would not class a whole pie to be in this category. I suppose if the woman had mini sized pie I wouldn't have been so judgemental I might have even accepted one if offered.

I offended a woman greatly last week although I still doubt I said it. Apparently I called her sir. Just a bit of back story, I had been out the night before with friends I had got extremely drunk and eaten some amazing Chinese food (thank you Oriental express). The food sobered me up but I was still very sleep deprived when I went in to work the next day. I got through the day mostly on coffee until a friend at work gave me a can of monster. Anyway during the day I found myself on tills and although being moody and tired I stayed polite to all the customers. All was going well until the woman appeared. I wont lie she was strange looking ( I would describe has being a female version of Beaker from the Muppet's) but there was no denying she was a woman. I served her as normal and when it came to asking if there was anything else I could do to help she replied yes, please don't refer to me as sir as I am a woman. My quick fired response was I know. I have accidentally called woman sir before and it usually wasn't an issue they would laugh I would apologize and issue resolved. This woman was different, she looked at me with pure hate, even though I did genuinely apologized and express how sorry I was. Maybe she has her own back story in which this was the fourth time today it had happened in which case she should probably do something with her hair.

Anyway I'll be writing another blog soon as things of interest will be happening over the next few days, so sorry about how short this one has been.

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