Sunday, 19 September 2010

How To Live Forever - A J H Budworth Guide

Firstly just to let you all know the secret of life is to exist, very simple I know. Don't you feel a little stupid having not figured it out before? The real problem is we cant go on forever, we have time limits but there are ways around this and here is my guide for you to achieve immortality. Just as a little disclaimer nothing last forever although these tips will increase your mortality sooner or later everything will end.


This is the easiest way to continue on this earth, the plan is simple your genetic code stays alive so apart of you stays alive with it. Sure you will die but all we are is code and that code can in theory continue forever. Plus you have the added advantage of being loved and remembered that way.


This is a great way to become immortal. There are some down sides as if you don't pursue fame with enough intensity or you don't create or achieve something of sufficient greatness you can easily become a C-List celebrity. Then your immortality will only last as long as they show the best of Big Brother. But if you do succeed and create something amazing you could very well become the next Hitchcock or Spielberg maybe even the next Budworth.


Possibly the most fun way if not a little evil way to become immortal. Sadly to be truly remembered you have to do some really bad shit. Sure you think you could go around killing a bunch of prostitutes but that wont keep you remembered for long. No you have to be really evil you have to kill 6 million Jews or wright really terrible books like The Da Vinci Code, if you really wanted be truly outrageous you could invent organised religion.


Real difficult to achieve as you kind of have to be born this way and there is a long boring back story as to how you came to be, probably best to stick with the first three suggestions.

Well I hope these tips have helped and don't worry to much as life expectancy always seems to be on the rise anyway so I'm sure soon some company will come up with a cream that takes ten years off every time you use it and we can all go on forever.

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