I know I just wrote my last blog but I felt so enraged after a recent shopping trip that I felt I had to write another. My sister turned 26 recently and asked for a CD as a present. Fine I say as I think it wont be an issue, it was an issue. I had work on the day I planned on getting her gift so I was in a rush and as I got in to Tonbridge it dawned on me, do they even sell music in this town any more? Tonbridge does have a place you can buy music its at Sainsburys. Luckily the music my sister wanted was in the top 10 and that's just about all the albums Sainsburys stock. So why so up in arms?
I know most people choose to buy music online, either downloading or buying music for delivery. But its very seldom that anything online takes you by surprise. I can't speak for everyone but 90% of the time I go online for specific music. Yeah the other 10% I'm either checking the sales or seeing whats coming out soon. That's what I miss about music shops, the surprise of finding something you always wanted but never brought, or that great album you owned then lent to someone and never got back. Plus there is something nice to owning a CD or an album on vinyl. Its in your hands someone designed the cover art, real work went in to making this product and it can be an item to cherish. Yeah you can still own it through download but for the most part its just data floating about its almost soulless. Plus with the new ability to buy individual tracks some people don't buy whole albums they just buy the stuff they heard in the charts, sure some bands and artists may only release one good song. But you still run the risk of not finding that hidden gem, that song that isn't released as a single but still sounds amazing, maybe nobody else but you even likes it but that's not the point.
Maybe there is no real money in owning a music shop anymore, but I don't buy it. I imagine like most things in life there is money in it just not lots of profit and who sees the point in breaking even any more. I wish there was something I could say to big businesses to say what the fuck is wrong with you, how much money is enough money? But they wouldn't listen, you might listen. You might be sitting in front of your computer right now clicking on itunes, choosing that one song you want to download and that's fine if you live in tonbridge as you will have to travel to find a shop to buy an album. But if you don't and if you live somewhere else just stop and think, think about how miserable your town or city may become if you had no shops to buy music in. So stop your downloading, save your penny's and go out shopping, better yet try supporting that small independent music shop. I know they charge a little more but on the plus side it isn't owned by a heartless corporation.
Of subject quickly can I just added how pointless those spots Vs stripes Cadburys ads are. If you find yourself cheering one for those teams of water based creatures, feel free to stop and ask yourself what your doing.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Lets get back to basics
I kinda feel I have been writing this blog for other people and while doing that I've completely missed the point of writing a blog. This should be an expression of self. It should be a format for me to express my views and to try and journal certain parts of my life. Maybe in a billion years all that will be left of the human race will be my blog and I have to say jesus why in mid 2010 did we decide to give ants the vote? They changed everything and that's why all the humans are dead.
So here's whats been going on. I recently embarrassed myself with a conversation I had with a friend letting her know it wouldn't be bad kissing her and that I would probably enjoy it. Yeah it sounds harmless but that's because I'm choosing to leave out all the awkward Jon moments. i also recently tried to do the right thing with an issue between some work colleagues. This also blew up in my face and seems to have made me a bit of a cunt. On the plus side we finally have a shower in the Budworth house, after 20 odd years of leaving here we finally have one. This is of course incredibly ironic as I have a nagging feeling we are going to get kicked out of our home but more on that later.
So time for some good news. I have a new niece and like the old niece she is bundle of pure joy and unconditional love. Granted she looks all squishy faced but she is a couple of weeks old and I'm sure she will grow in to herself. For those that haven't seen any pictures she is small, pink and has a lot of black hair on her head. For me sadly describing a baby is like trying to describe an amazing abstract painting. Its beautiful and amazing but no words ever come out right so its probably best to see it for yourself.
So losing our home, most readers have never met my parents. My dad is registered disabled but before that happened he always worked hard either at work or in his studies. My mum has always worked hard but due to poor health has had to take lots of sick leave from most of her jobs. Like at the moment she is off work and its not looking like she will be going back. Now for those who read closely I stated that my parents have always worked hard. I never stated that they ever worked smart. Truth be told that if either of them choose a career at say Sainsburys or Tescos are family would probably be in a safe and secure place but that didn't happen. My family has never been rich even in the slightest we have always just about scraped by constantly borrowing money and trying to get through to the next month. But this time just feels more troublesome I might be blowing things out of proportion but we will see. I don't blame my parents for the way they choose to live there lives, I will say as a warning to all those out there that you should never have a family unless you can afford it and even then its better to spoil one child then it is to just get by with three.
So just to lighten things up I want to share a thought I recently had about the movie The Dark Knight. If you have never seem the film I'm sorry, I strongly suggest going out and watching it now. OK so you have seen the film and you have done your best at ignoring Christien Bales really terrible voice while he plays the Bat. Now near the end Joker has two boats hooked up to blow and the passengers have to choose which boat goes. The Bat insists that neither boat will blow as the people wont do it. This of course happens, nobody presses the button, yay people of Gotham. So Batman has apparently installed goodness and inspired all the people of this city. So why the fuck did he take the blame for the Harvey Dents killings? Lets be fair Batman inspired the people more then Harvey did, Batman was showing the people what good could be done and that any citizen can do a part to make the city a better place. Now he took the blame for the killings he has taken that view away. Maybe Joker knew something like this might happen and that's why he let Harvey out of the hospital. Who knows, what I like about that movie is two years after its release I keep coming back and thinking about all the messages within this film.
So here's whats been going on. I recently embarrassed myself with a conversation I had with a friend letting her know it wouldn't be bad kissing her and that I would probably enjoy it. Yeah it sounds harmless but that's because I'm choosing to leave out all the awkward Jon moments. i also recently tried to do the right thing with an issue between some work colleagues. This also blew up in my face and seems to have made me a bit of a cunt. On the plus side we finally have a shower in the Budworth house, after 20 odd years of leaving here we finally have one. This is of course incredibly ironic as I have a nagging feeling we are going to get kicked out of our home but more on that later.
So time for some good news. I have a new niece and like the old niece she is bundle of pure joy and unconditional love. Granted she looks all squishy faced but she is a couple of weeks old and I'm sure she will grow in to herself. For those that haven't seen any pictures she is small, pink and has a lot of black hair on her head. For me sadly describing a baby is like trying to describe an amazing abstract painting. Its beautiful and amazing but no words ever come out right so its probably best to see it for yourself.
So losing our home, most readers have never met my parents. My dad is registered disabled but before that happened he always worked hard either at work or in his studies. My mum has always worked hard but due to poor health has had to take lots of sick leave from most of her jobs. Like at the moment she is off work and its not looking like she will be going back. Now for those who read closely I stated that my parents have always worked hard. I never stated that they ever worked smart. Truth be told that if either of them choose a career at say Sainsburys or Tescos are family would probably be in a safe and secure place but that didn't happen. My family has never been rich even in the slightest we have always just about scraped by constantly borrowing money and trying to get through to the next month. But this time just feels more troublesome I might be blowing things out of proportion but we will see. I don't blame my parents for the way they choose to live there lives, I will say as a warning to all those out there that you should never have a family unless you can afford it and even then its better to spoil one child then it is to just get by with three.
So just to lighten things up I want to share a thought I recently had about the movie The Dark Knight. If you have never seem the film I'm sorry, I strongly suggest going out and watching it now. OK so you have seen the film and you have done your best at ignoring Christien Bales really terrible voice while he plays the Bat. Now near the end Joker has two boats hooked up to blow and the passengers have to choose which boat goes. The Bat insists that neither boat will blow as the people wont do it. This of course happens, nobody presses the button, yay people of Gotham. So Batman has apparently installed goodness and inspired all the people of this city. So why the fuck did he take the blame for the Harvey Dents killings? Lets be fair Batman inspired the people more then Harvey did, Batman was showing the people what good could be done and that any citizen can do a part to make the city a better place. Now he took the blame for the killings he has taken that view away. Maybe Joker knew something like this might happen and that's why he let Harvey out of the hospital. Who knows, what I like about that movie is two years after its release I keep coming back and thinking about all the messages within this film.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Well every one else jumped of the cliff so i decided to aswell
I am of course referring to writing a blog. Everyone else seems to have recently so its probably time I wrote one. The sad truth is everyone else have written great blogs and I pity you for having to read through this one. Mostly I'm a little tired work is great but on some days it can really drain me and today started off with me getting soaked then working my 8 hours. So apart from work what have i been doing.
I have helped push back an alien invasion in a game on my new P.C. in fairness I was playing on easy and cant take to much credit. I'm still helping Mario rescue the princess in super Mario galaxy and I've done nothing else of note. Wow that's a depressing realization. The most exciting things I've done have been achieved through video game. But then again I have more say over a video game then I do over the ending of a book.
So I've achieved nothing except for losing some weight, and I mean a little weight. Just enough weight to be fucking irritating. I'm sure most people can relate to losing that tiny amount that makes your trousers not fit properly. I find myself constantly having to pull them up. As its such a small amount of loss I cant justify buying more clothes as knowing me I'll soon put it back on. I should probably put a new hole in my belt but I love my batman belt so much I don't know if I can justify it. I'll see what happens when I finally have some money in my bank.
I don't know if I mentioned my new phone, i think I did so I wont go on about it I will say that I have finally been able to put my Flight of the Conchords CD on to it and I'm loving it, If you have never heard of them they class themselves as the 4th best folk parody band from New Zealand. I'll happilyu brighten up your days by putting a link to YouTube video for you all to enjoy. For some cunting reason it wont let me put in the link so I'll put the link on my facebook page and tell you how to find it. Go to YouTube search for Flight of the Conchords - Hiphopopotamus Vs. Rhymenoceros then laugh your ass off. Again sorry this is so dull I'll write something of actual value next time.
I have helped push back an alien invasion in a game on my new P.C. in fairness I was playing on easy and cant take to much credit. I'm still helping Mario rescue the princess in super Mario galaxy and I've done nothing else of note. Wow that's a depressing realization. The most exciting things I've done have been achieved through video game. But then again I have more say over a video game then I do over the ending of a book.
So I've achieved nothing except for losing some weight, and I mean a little weight. Just enough weight to be fucking irritating. I'm sure most people can relate to losing that tiny amount that makes your trousers not fit properly. I find myself constantly having to pull them up. As its such a small amount of loss I cant justify buying more clothes as knowing me I'll soon put it back on. I should probably put a new hole in my belt but I love my batman belt so much I don't know if I can justify it. I'll see what happens when I finally have some money in my bank.
I don't know if I mentioned my new phone, i think I did so I wont go on about it I will say that I have finally been able to put my Flight of the Conchords CD on to it and I'm loving it, If you have never heard of them they class themselves as the 4th best folk parody band from New Zealand. I'll happilyu brighten up your days by putting a link to YouTube video for you all to enjoy. For some cunting reason it wont let me put in the link so I'll put the link on my facebook page and tell you how to find it. Go to YouTube search for Flight of the Conchords - Hiphopopotamus Vs. Rhymenoceros then laugh your ass off. Again sorry this is so dull I'll write something of actual value next time.
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