Saturday, 6 November 2010

I'm so pretty, O so pretty and witty and straight

I know that being gay is not a choice I know this because if it was I would so be a massive homo. I would be cock crazy, dancing at all the clubs and putting out like a slut every night. But sadly I was born straight. I'm not even an interesting straight guy you know one of those is he isn't he types. The reason I would choose to be gay is because I honestly believe I would get laid lots, the reason being that there is a class of gay guys called bears. Bears are usually big, hairy overweight guys who seem to have this following of pretty boys which are some times called cubs. It sounds like a sweet deal as I don't have to change at all and I still get to pull someone out of my league. They only way to achieve that being straight is to be rich, even then I would know that it was down to cash.

On the subject of being rich I did recently win some money on the Euro millions. I didn't kid myself when I received the e-mail letting me know I had won some money I wished for thousands, hoped for hundreds but expected tens. What I won was £5.50 I was a little disappointed. But that's whats great about the lottery no matter the result your always a little disappointed. You may think hey what about those people that win those massive jack Potts well I'm sure they get big headaches trying to think of things to buy, see nobody wins.

So on the subject of losing I'm happily waiting for COD: Black Ops and being uber geek I have booked the week off, yes I'm terrible. But I don't have a lot in life so this is as good as it gets and who could ask for more? Well most people probably but I'm not most people. I'm a straight bear.

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