Not sure on what to write about, just know its been while since I last did so thought I should throw something out for your amusement. So here are some reviews of some old things, nothing new here except my first review.
The Weather
Its alright, what can I say. Its a bit cold but not cold enough to be entertaining. Everyone gets so panicked about the idea of heavy snowfall that we plan our lives around the idea that it might. I suppose that's a good idea, you know plan for the worst. But we should be in a position as a country that heavy snowfall shouldn't disrupt us at all. Russia survives every winter, so why should we stop dead every time a little snow falls? The problem is we the people, as it always should be. We elect, we vote and then we don't complain enough. When the roads become unusable we see it as a day off work not as a loss is wages. We are stupid. So my review of the weather is, its not an issue unless we have elected idiots.
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The world
I can honestly say I have fallen in love with this film. For some reason it talks to me, i get it and for an unknown reason I really relate to the main character. Its funny and at most times very odd film involving bizarre action sequences, interesting people and a witty script. Its amazing so please check it out.
Call of Duty: Black Ops
If your a girl please feel free to skip to the next review. I know COD has been out for a while now and your wondering why I haven't written about it before. Well the reason being is when the last Call Of Duty game came out I reviewed it to early, I raved about it, claiming it to be a marvel. But I was wrong that game had so many flaws it became un playable very quickly. It rewarded people who hid and coward or camped if you know anything about gaming talk. The new COD is a vast improvement and I can happily say its the best COD game since the first modern warfare. The maps are incredibly well designed and the perks, kill streaks and gamercard compliment the game and don't dominate it. This is even more surprising since this is a Treyarch game and not an Infinity Ward game. This is important as Infinity Ward usually make the better games leaving Treyarch to produce the lesser sequels, this has been reversed.
The Cinema
Really I should be reviewing Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows. But I'm going to assume you've all seen that film by now. If you haven't its a good film, it drags quite a bit and it really looks like all the best bits will be in the second part. Now my issue with the cinema started with an introduction from Simon Pegg at the beginning of the film. He was just on screen promoting his new film and talking about how great his new film will be and why its important to watch it in the cinema. The problem is the cinema is shit. Yay the cinema screen is so big and loud whoo hoo. That cant really be enough though can it? The seats aren't incredibly comfortable especially after 90 minuets. Plus even if you book isle seats you really cant choose who you'll be sitting next to and this was my biggest issue the twats I had to sit next to where joking and giggling the whole way through, the food is a rip off and if anyone needs the toilet during the show everyone has to stand up to let them pass. Yeah at Odeon they have the executive seats for a few quid more but here is my idea. Make the executive seats the standard, have them everywhere, have plenty of leg room and maybe the ability to lean back a bit, if you choose to that is. But the important thing is to lower the price on all parts from the food to the tickets. You'll get more sales if you do it, honestly you will Mr Odeon.
Jon Budworth
What can I say except sorry, I know I'm not great or even close to being acceptable. Sure I can blame some of this on my upbringing but thats not really fair i was a bad kid. I try and hide behind my morale code and don't claim to be homophobic or racist. I donate to charity when I have spare cash in my life. But I'm not a good person in general. I have stolen in the past (not in the last 10 years or at least nothing I can really think of at this time). I have an amazing ability to be incredibly hurt full to people I care about using things they have told me in confidence to hurt them. I'm stubborn, more so then most would give me credit for as I can easily walk away from people and never go back to them even if the issue that lead to separation was mostly my fault. I judge people to harshly on some decisions that leave them happy especially if that feeling of happiness reflects my own misery. I live my life in dream state never really trying to achieve or grow for the most part I just exist wishing that one day I'll win the lottery or inherit millions from a distant relative. But I guess my biggest flaw is my self perception, I see myself as inconvenience to my friends and family I understand that people love me but I don't believe that they should. I'm not great but on the flip side I'm a fantastic lover and I can fart the theme from Jaws.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Saturday, 6 November 2010
I'm so pretty, O so pretty and witty and straight
I know that being gay is not a choice I know this because if it was I would so be a massive homo. I would be cock crazy, dancing at all the clubs and putting out like a slut every night. But sadly I was born straight. I'm not even an interesting straight guy you know one of those is he isn't he types. The reason I would choose to be gay is because I honestly believe I would get laid lots, the reason being that there is a class of gay guys called bears. Bears are usually big, hairy overweight guys who seem to have this following of pretty boys which are some times called cubs. It sounds like a sweet deal as I don't have to change at all and I still get to pull someone out of my league. They only way to achieve that being straight is to be rich, even then I would know that it was down to cash.
On the subject of being rich I did recently win some money on the Euro millions. I didn't kid myself when I received the e-mail letting me know I had won some money I wished for thousands, hoped for hundreds but expected tens. What I won was £5.50 I was a little disappointed. But that's whats great about the lottery no matter the result your always a little disappointed. You may think hey what about those people that win those massive jack Potts well I'm sure they get big headaches trying to think of things to buy, see nobody wins.
So on the subject of losing I'm happily waiting for COD: Black Ops and being uber geek I have booked the week off, yes I'm terrible. But I don't have a lot in life so this is as good as it gets and who could ask for more? Well most people probably but I'm not most people. I'm a straight bear.
On the subject of being rich I did recently win some money on the Euro millions. I didn't kid myself when I received the e-mail letting me know I had won some money I wished for thousands, hoped for hundreds but expected tens. What I won was £5.50 I was a little disappointed. But that's whats great about the lottery no matter the result your always a little disappointed. You may think hey what about those people that win those massive jack Potts well I'm sure they get big headaches trying to think of things to buy, see nobody wins.
So on the subject of losing I'm happily waiting for COD: Black Ops and being uber geek I have booked the week off, yes I'm terrible. But I don't have a lot in life so this is as good as it gets and who could ask for more? Well most people probably but I'm not most people. I'm a straight bear.
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